HeartChat Arabic Chat Rules System |
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Using threatening, harassing, disrespecting, insulting in general languages or causing fights to other chatters or talking about sex or drugs or posting sexual URL links on public (main) talk or in private messages or in ticker messages or in the main public board of the chat or in action-type reasons or in warning reasons or in any other public/private chat features is NOT ALLOWED
Reposting general bad words/phrases or bad nicks or nicks/words/phrases that are mentioned in the [Not Allowed Words] list on main/ticker-messages or in any other public/private chat features as well as in all action type reasons is NOT ALLOWED
Posting image URL links for insulting or disrespecting or harassing other chatters in main public room or in private messages or in ticker-messages or in any other public/private chat features is NOT ALLOWED
Using any words or phrases or nicks on main/private talk or ticker message or the public board or in any other public/private chat features; that are mentioned in the [Not Allowed Words] list in the private member-area log-in of members is NOT ALLOWED
A list has been created of nicks, words and phrases that are considered as bad or trouble making nicks or bad talks on main/private talk in the chat for members ONLY. This list has been created for nicks/talk that have controversial opinions from the general members. Therefore, to stop such opinions, HeartChat.com Administration has come up with this list and all members are asked to comply and respect accordingly.
To check this list, that we call the [Not Allowed Words] list, enter your Member area (private login) where a list of links would appear on your left-hand side. Click on link [Not Allowed Words] and the trouble making nicks/words would appear in pin-point numbers.
Ticker messages containing : bad language or words from the [Not Allowed Words] list, phone/blackberry pin-code numbers or direct messaging pin-codes – Refer to rule # 2 – , trouble making messages, insulting, disrespecting, harassing and causing fights languages; can be deleted by the Higher rank members and taken action upon.
However, a valid reason should be given for deleting the tickers. If no valid reason is given it will be considered as abuse of power.
Moreover, members/high-ranks posting tickers are allowed to delete their own ticker messages for any reason they see fit.
Deleting Chat-Server ticker messages is NOT ALLOWED by all members and high-ranks.
Trouble Making nicknames are nicknames similar to:
Rank 27 and above nicknames
Higher Rank System Names
(Admin – Vice Admin – System – Staff – Assistant – Sub Assistant – Committee – Wizard – Sub Wizard – Senior Cop – Cop – Sub Cop).
Mixture of rank naming system and the member nick of rank 27 and above.
For example: AdminJack or JackAdmin etc.
A nick is considered similar to rank 27 and above when the same letters are present in the nick and in the same order as well as there is only a one (1) character difference between the nick and the Rank 27 or above nicknames. For example like: A1DHAHERI or ALDHAHER1 which is similar to Vice-Admin nick ALDHAHERI.
When any member or high-rank takes an action against any nick for Trouble Maker nickname, it is obligatory to mention why it is a troublemaker nickname.
For example:
- Trouble maker nick similar to high rank ALDHAHERI
- Trouble maker nick similar to High Rank Name System Committee
- Trouble maker nick as mix of rank naming system & Admin nick Jack
Guest nick log-in(s) can be kicked, as they cannot be banned. However, if a guest is continuously violating this rule or any of the rules mentioned in this page (a minimum of three kicks with same reason and same general IP address), then the general IP address of that particular guest could be banned by any member or normal high-rank if he/she was ONLINE during the past previous actions and with a similar reason that the guests has been kicked by in the past 3 or more previous times. If the member/high-rank bans a general IP address (with a valid action & reason) and quits from the chat, then any member or high-rank or helper can unban the general IP address after a maximum time being in the ban of
30 minutes. However, if the member responsible of banning the general IP address is online, then no any member or normal high-rank can unban the general IP address. Helpers, Staff members, System ranks and the Administration ONLY can unban the general IP addresses, If banned, while the member responsible is online after completing 30 minutes in the ban list.
For a list of the General IP addresses, please read Rule 15
Any three or more violations of this rule or any other rule in this General rules, by guest logins, can be also dealt by high-ranks with banning the real IP of the guest.
Higher ranks have the power to check the real IP's of all guest logins. The continuous violations from guests should be at least three (3) actions of similar reasons as well as all of the three (3) actions should be from the same general IP address for the real IP to be banned. The time difference between the first and the last action should not exceed
15 minutes.
Since harassing, disrespecting, insulting, causing fights and bad language on main are very much related, these reasons can be interchanged. For example: if Operator A kicks/bans Operator B for reason “Harassing on Main” but actually Operator B posted a disrespectful or a bad language on main, the kick action and reason would be valid and no further action is required.
- If a guest/member replied a bad nick Greeting or Salam on main/ticker/public-main board or in any other public chat features; then no need for an action against the guest/member whom replied. It is sufficient to filter the message (if on main talk) or delete the ticker message (if in the ticker system) or delete the message from the public-main board (if on the public-main board).
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Posting phone numbers and/or blackberry pin-codes or any direct messaging pin-codes on main public rooms and in the logoff message of main public rooms, in addition to posting them in the member profile + member comment message + private room names + in ticker messages + special room names + main public board + in any other public chat features are all NOT ALLOWED.
Six (6) digits or more numbers are considered as phone numbers. { Refer to rule # 22 (C) }
NOTE: Numbers and/or Nicks similar to a111111, b222222, abc333333, khaled444444, mariam555555, KF666666, ahmed777777, mohammed888888, p999999, pb000000 OR similar to 111111, 222222, 333333, 444444, 555555, 666666, 777777, 888888, 999999, 000000 are NOT considered as phone numbers nor blackberry pins; even though they might be six (6) digits or more. However numbers like 111222 OR 223222 OR a111222 OR b223222 OR any nick consisting of 2 or more digits with an overall of 6 digits or more, are considered as phone numbers and blackberry pins, which is NOT ALLOWED.
In private messages (PM), the user/member can ignore using command /ig [nick]
The key point in this rule is any number that could potentially be a phone number or a blackberry pin-code device. Publicly, there is no phone number or blackberry pin consisting of only one (1) digit being repeated for six (6) or more times. In the unusual circumstance of a phone number or a blackberry pin or a direct-messaging device consisting of only one digit, then the Administration advices to check the context of the language that is being said. Furthermore, the Administration of the chat will post a note in the [Not Allowed Words] list concerning this issue if considered as a not allowed public-feature in the future. Refer to rule # 22 (C)
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Posting any chatter’s (member or guest) private messages (PM) on public main room or in ticker message or in the public-main board or in any other public main features of the chat is NOT ALLOWED. { Refer to rule # 22 (C) }
NOTE: This rule means any posts in private that is posted on main and which is very clear it is a private post; will be considered as (Private Message on main/ticker not allowed).
The following are the different four (4) forms of behaviour on main that are considered (Private Messages on main/ticker not allowed):
(A) *Jack* (213.42.2) : Hello there
(B) (213.42.2) : Hello there
(C) *** Sent to [Jack]: Hello there
(D) Sent to [Jack]: Hello there
NOTE: The privacy of all our guests and members is strictly respected and appreciated in HeartChat.com. Private messages are known by either the IP address number with the nick showing (on main/ticker) OR just IP address number with the message. However, server messages in PM are ALLOWED to be posted on main.
Examples of such server messages in PM that are allowed on main are shown below:
13) *** DDD (#DDD#) has logged in - Arabia.
*** Guest user AAA (195.229.242) has been kicked from the Chat (UAE) by BBB for reason - lang in pm End of forward from CCC
Your private message's buffer has been flushed.
*** EEE (•FFF•) has logged off!
All chatters message from Operator [Jack]: ♥ §aLaAaAaM ♥ ALL
[GGG] is ignoring your private messages.
The nick HHH has been granted
*** ALDHAHERI (#ALDHAHERI#) is online in – UAE
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Flooding on main pubic talk, under the terms mentioned below, is NOT ALLOWED.
(A) Posting the same exact message for three (3) or more times.
(B) Posting the same message for three (3) or more times but with small differences.
(C) Posting two (2) same messages on main public talk with at least four (4) lines or more in 1024 X 768 Screen Resolution.
(D) Posting any two (2) messages, four (4) lines or more each, of “images” on main even though the images in those two messages where different in 1024 X 768 Screen Resolution.
(E) Posting the exact same message on main, for three of more times, but with different nick accounts. All the nick accounts whom posted the same messages has to be kicked with reason: [flood] OR [trouble making flood].
(F) Auto-kicks by server messages for floods on main is considered an action if performed against a guest user log-in. Thus, no need to take another action against the same guest user-name for the same flood when the guest re-logs in. Whereas, if a member/high-rank has been auto-kicked by the server for floods on main, then an action is necessary against the member/high-rank, with a valid proof, that shows the flood committed (as per the terms mentioned above) by the member/high-rank in the reason.
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Advertising for other chat sites or forums or blogs on main public talk as well as private talk or in ticker messages or in the public main board of the chat, or in any other public/private chat features, is strictly NOT ALLOWED.
NOTE: Advertising for other chat-sites or forums is STRICTLY prohibited in HeartChat.com and would result in serious consequences if proven against any member. HeartChat.com is NOT responsible for any mistake in this rule and no excuses would be accepted as long as the proof(s) show(s) that there was advertising from the member/guest nick.
*** If any member is caught advertising for another chat-site or forum, more than once in the same year, they will be acted upon in accordance to the below terms:
(A) First Time: A JAIL action for a minimum period of Seven(7) DAYS.
(B) Second Time: A SUSPENSION action for a minimum period of Fourteen (14) DAYS + their rank would be downgraded to 3 ranks/levels lower.
(C) Third Time or more: : A SUSPENSION action for a minimum period of Thirty (30) DAYS + their rank would be downgraded to 5 ranks/levels lower.
NOTE: If High ranks are caught advertising, the Administration shall form a committee of Staff members and other high-ranks to take an appropriate decision on one of the above punishments.
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Hacking or getting involved in hacking such as helping hackers or posting hacking or virus links or any kind of jamming or crashing links that could potentially destroy or cause harm to chatters personal computers; is NOT ALLOWED.
NOTE: This rule does NOT necessarily mean if any guest/member mentions the word (hack) or (hacking) in an innocent or denying manner is considered as talking about hacking. This rule means talking about hacking in a bad manner or encouraging members/guests to hack.
*** If any member and/or high-rank is caught hacking or getting involved in hacking by posting hacking or virus links or any kind of jamming or crashing links or using hacking nicks, they will be acted upon by a JAIL action for a minimum of Seven (7) Days.
** If any member and/or high-rank has more than One (1) JAIL record, as per this rule, they will be acted upon by a SUSPENSION action for a minimum time of Fourteen (14) Days.
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Unbanning other members valid ban actions is NOT ALLOWED for all ranks. However, Rank 28 (System high-ranks), Rank 27 (Staff high-ranks) and Helper high-ranks are allowed to unban other valid ban actions ONLY in the below combined conditions:
- The member has completed at least four (4) hours in the ban list
- The original member responsible for the ban action is NOT ONLINE.
Normal high-ranks are NOT allowed to kick/ban or take any action type against any Helper high-rank except in the following reasons:
Helpers are in-charge of ONLY their ranks for which they are responsible for, as well as lower, in-respect of their current ranks but not similar or higher than their own ranks. Therefore, a Helper cannot undo an action that is taken against a member whose rank is not within his responsibility range.
Exception is given to kick/ban with funny reasons to this rule. For example: A Helper (Till rank 15) cannot undo any action against a member in rank 18 even though the action against the rank 18 member is invalid. However, if the action was with a funny reason committed against the rank 18 member, then the Helper (till rank 15) can unban the rank 18 member.
Helpers are NOT ALLOWED to unban other Helpers valid or invalid ban actions or undo any other action-type committed by any other Helper. #InCharge of Helpers# can unban invalid ban actions as well as un-do any action-type of other Helpers after the time specified in each respective rule has elapsed.
If the #InCharge of Helpers# and #InCharge of Complains# are different members and not the same nick carrying both missions, then the nick which is higher in rank and/or level is the dominant member and can take actions against the other #InCharge# based on this rules page.
Staff members can take action against other Staff members that are lower than their level but NOT before an approval from the voting system is specified and given. The voting system include members whom are above in Staff level, System ranks,
Vice-Admin and Admins.
Staff members are NOT ALLOWED to unban other Staff members valid or invalid ban actions as well as undo any other action-type committed by any other Staff member.
#System ranks# can ONLY unban invalid ban actions of other Staff members and undo any other invalid action-type committed by any Staff member. Moreover, #System ranks# can also undo action-types done by Staff members when the time, which is mentioned in the respective rule, has elapsed.
Valid normal ban actions of Staff members can ONLY be unbanned by #System ranks# but following the above combined conditions pointed in (A) and (B) of this rule.
Helpers/Staffs/System ranks are allowed to take actions against members and/or high-ranks whom has committed invalid actions in accordance with their Helper ranking position(s) mentioned below. The time difference between the mistake action, by the member and/or high-rank, and the correction action of the Helpers/Staffs/System ranks should NOT exceed Seven (7) days (1 Week).If a mistake action by the member and/or high-rank has been committed and no action has been taken against him/her after the Seven (7) days time limit, then the invalid action is considered void and NO action is necessary. Subsequently, clearing the action from the affected member record file would be sufficient.
*** If any Helper is caught taking actions against other members/high-ranks after the time limit of seven (7) days (regardless whether the action is valid or invalid), they will be acted upon by a BAN action for a minimum time of 1 Day – 24 hour(s).
Helper high-ranks are NOT ALLOWED to close any complain that is open and/or reviewed even though the complain has been resolved by him/her or by another member/high-rank. Helpers, whom are eligible with the Complain System, can take action(s) based on a complaint (within their below mentioned Helper positions) and/or add their opinion(s), but NOT to close the complain.
The positions that are officially allowed to close complains are:
- #InCharge of Helpers#
- #InCharge of Complains#
- Staff High-ranks in rank 27 and above.
#InCharge of Helpers# and #InCharge of Complains# can unban any invalid ban actions (or undo invalid action-types) by all Helpers that are lower than their ranks and/or levels but NOT similar to their ranks and/or level.
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(A) Kicking/banning for revenge or with low kick or ban time is NOT ALLOWED.
Refer to rule # 14
- NOTE: Low kick/ban time actions are those actions that are performed for invalid actions happening in the chat within 2 minutes of the members’ login time. However, normal kick/ban actions that can be performed within 2 minutes of the log-in but NOT while offline. These actions are as follows:
Number (#) on main/ticker/profile/logoff-message/public-main-board not allowed
Blackberry pin on main/ticker/profile/logoff-message/public-main-board not allowed
PM on main/ticker/profile/logoff-message/public-main-board not allowed
Bad nick or repost bad nick or Bad word or language on main/ticker/profile/logoff-message/public-main-board
Getting involved in hacking by posting hacking/jamming or virus links on main/ticker/profile/logoff-message/public-main-board
Bad word in PM forwarded to [high-rank nick]
(Notice rule # 18 for more information)
Insulting or harassing or disrespecting or fighting or causing fight in PM, forwarded to [high-rank nick]
Notice rule # 18 for more information
Invalid requests on main/ticker, which is not allowed
(Notice rule # 10 for more information)
Posting fake kicks/bans or hold room or deop or suspend or hold-nick actions on main/ticker/public main board
(Notice rule # 17 for more information)
Playing with HeartChat .com commands
(Notice rule # 12 for more information)
(B) Unbanning actions, or undoing action-types, of violated members or high-ranks with low unban time is NOT ALLOWED.
- There are some rules, in this set of general rules, that require a certain amount of time, of the member or high rank violating, to stay in the ban list or deop list or suspend list etc. Thus, if any member or high-rank has unbanned any of the members from the punished list before the time specified in the rule, they will be acted upon by a JAIL action for a minimum time of 1 Day with reason: low unban time action.
Subsequently if the action-type other than the ban action (i.e. deop and suspend) has been undone, by any high-rank, before the time specified in the corresponding rule, then the high-rank has to be acted upon by a JAIL action for a minimum time of 3 Days.
- If a BAN action has been committed by any member or high-rank or Helper or Staff or System-rank, following any of the rules mentioned in this page and it is 100% valid, then the BAN action could not be unbanned by him/her unless it complete 30-minutes in the ban list. If the 30-minutes has elapsed, then the nick whom committed the BAN action can be unban by him/her UNLESS if the ban-reason has a time limit in accordance to this rules page.
(C) Attempt actions against members and/or high-ranks are to be acted upon according to the following terms:
If the attempt action reason against a member or high-rank is correct and valid, then NO action is to be taken against the attempter member by all other members and high-ranks. Helpers and/or Staff members can check his attempt reason to take action against the attempted member accordingly.
If the attempt action reason against a member or high-rank is wrong or invalid or fake, then an action has to be taken against the attempter member/high-rank ONLY by the attempted member/high-rank within a time-frame of 1 hour (60 minutes). When the time of 1 hour (60 minutes) elapse, then no action is taken against the attempter. No other member or High-rank or Helper or Staff or System rank can take action against the attempted based on the logs file as it is the attempted member right to choose whether to take action on the attempter or not.
If the attempted member cannot take action against the attempter member, then the attempted can ask any of the higher-ranks online whom can take action or Cmail the high-ranks that can take action. Accordingly, an action will be taken waiving the 1 hour (60 minutes) time constrain but with a valid proof that the attempted has asked for an action against the attempter.
If the attempt action against a member or high-rank contains any bad language or insulting or harassing or disrespecting or phone numbers or blackberry pins or words present in the [Not Allowed Words] list or funny or any of the not allowed rules in this rules page, then an action is necessary either by the attempted nick or by an online High-rank, or by a Helper High-rank or by a Staff member and above but NOT by other normal members (rank 18 and below). Refer to rule # 11 (A)
(D) Multi-actions is NOT ALLOWED by all members, high-ranks, staffs and system ranks.
- NOTE: A multi-action is taking an action-type (kick/ban/deop/suspend) with the same reason and for the same proof. All members and high-ranks, when performing any invalid actions or violations of any of the rules, have the right to be acted upon for once ONLY and not more than once per each violation. There are some rules, in these general rules, that require a specific action of deop and/or suspend after being kicked/banned. A punishment of an action-type according to these general rules is not considered as a multi-action reason.
- Exception is given to the following action-reasons if the violated member has been unbanned, or the action-type is undone, in an abuse behaviour or with low action-time:
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Sharing accounts is NOT ALLOWED for Rank 16 and above.
NOTE: Sharing accounts for sure will cause many unnecessary troubles in the chat environment. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden for members in rank 16 and above to give the password of their membership accounts to someone else to use or in an attempt of sharing the member account.
** If any member (rank 16 and above) is caught for sharing his member account, with valid proof-page or saved private message or filtered main message, they will be acted upon by a JAIL action for a minimum of Seven (7)Days if rank 18 and less with downgrading by one rank lower.
** If the shared member account is rank 19 and above, they will be downgraded to rank 17 and will be acted upon by a SUSPENSION action for Fourteen (14) Days.
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Invalid or bad requests on main talk or ticker message or public main board or in any other public main chat-features of the chat is NOT ALLOWED
Invalid or bad requests on main are:
- Requesting or Offering for prepaid phone cards
- Requesting or Offering money for personal relationships
- Requesting or Offering for movies
- Requesting or Offering relationships of the same gender of the nick posting on main
NOTE: If any guest/member has offered/requested any of the terms mentioned above, they are to be taken action against with ONLY one of the below reasons:
- invalid request on main/ticker/public board
- bad request on main/ticker/public board
Notice rule # 22 for more information
** If any member in any rank continuously asking for invalid or bad requests on main, as per the above types with 3 actions or more in his/her record file, they will be acted upon by a MUTE action for a minimum period of Seven (7) Days.
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Kicking or Banning (any guest or member) or Holding-Room or any action-type with Funny or Arabic language reasons is NOT ALLOWED regardless whether the action is right or not.
NOTE: HeartChat.com attracts users from all over the world. Therefore, the official language of HeartChat.com is the “English” language and not any other language. Slang talk languages are NOT considered as an official language if not mentioned otherwise in the [Not Allowed Words] list Refer to rule # 1 (D)
*** If any member/high-rank is caught of kicking or banning any other guest/member with funny and/or Arabic language reasons, they will be acted upon by a BAN action for a minimum time of 1 Day – 24 hour(s).
- First Time: BAN action for a minimum period of One (1) Day - 24 hours.
- Second Time: BAN action for a minimum period of One (1) Day - 24 hours + Deop action for a period of Three (3) Days.
- Third Time: BAN action for a minimum period of One (1) Day - 24 hours + JAIL action for a period of 7 Days (1 week).
- Fourth Time or more: BAN action for a minimum period of One (1) Day - 24 hours + JAIL action for a period of Fourteen (14) Days.
*** If a valid ban has been unbanned by another operator within 12 hours of the ban, both the operators will be banned. The operator who was unbanned, will stay in the ban list until he completes his time of 24 hours in total. The operator who performed the unban action will stay for a minimum time of 1 Day – 24 hour(s) in the ban list.
Kicking or Banning (any guest or member) with unclear reasons or just reason (ABUSER) is NOT ALLOWED; as reason (ABUSER) is not enough to know what the operator abused with. So, members should be very clear with their reasons.
Refer to rule # 22
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Playing with the following HeartChat.com commands is NOT ALLOWED.
/warn : Members tend to play with this command, on main public rooms, in an attempt to have fun in the chat and show-off in front of other guests/members. This command has been created to warn guests or members of a mistake he/she have done and not repeat it again. Therefore, it is NOT ALLOWED to play with this command on main public room(s) ONLY
/filter : Members tend to play with this command for having fun. Whenever any member use command /filter (on public or private rooms), the filtered messages is accessible to all high-ranks (rank 19 and above) in their designated [Member Area]. Therefore, the filtered messages can be proven if the member was playing. Moreover, filtering the log-in/off of members or guest log-ins is NOT ALLOWED. However, if the nick is considered as bad or a troublemaker nick or shown in the [Not Allowed Words] list, then it is allowed to filter the log-in/off server messages. This command has been prepared for filtering the bad language or any language that is considered offensive to chatters as well as for floods on main public rooms ONLY. Any filter action in a private and/or special room is considered irrelevant and NO action is taken for this.
/opmsg : Agents and Higher ranks members, whom have been given this command, tend to sometimes play with this command by sending personal messages to all members. They also tend to send very unclear message(s) for all members in a way of show-off and without explaining the service(s) offered to other members. Moreover, Agents sometimes use such commands to offer members of their own services with their own pricing. Such misuse of announcing commands is NOT ALLOWED. Agents and Higher ranks members are given this command to inform all members of advices to make the member experience(s) better as well as inform all chatters of their service(s) and offer(s) (with HeartChat.com pricing); not to send any private messages to all chatters under the official name of HeartChat.com.
/guestmsg: Agent members and Higher ranks members, whom have been given this command, tend to sometimes play with this command by sending personal messages to all guests. They also tend to send very unclear message(s) for all guests in a way of show-off and without explaining the service(s) offered to the guests. Moreover, Agents sometimes use such commands to offer members of their own services with their own pricing. Such misuse of announcing commands is NOT ALLOWED. Agents and Higher ranks members are given this command to inform all guests of advices to make the guest experience(s) better as well as inform all chatters of their service(s) and offer(s)(with HeartChat.com pricing); not to send any private messages to all chatters under the official name of HeartChat.com.
/free : Agents and Higher ranks members, whom have been given this command, tend to sometimes play with this command by sending personal messages to all guests. They also tend to send very unclear message(s) for all guests in a way of show-off and without explaining the service(s) offered to guests. Such misuse of announcing commands is NOT ALLOWED. Agents and Higher ranks members are given this command to inform all guests of the free trial membership offer for 1 month and not to send any private messages to all guests under the official name of HeartChat.com
/allmsg : High-rank members, whom have been given this command, tend to sometimes play with this command by sending personal messages to all chatters online. They also tend to send very unclear message(s) for all chatters in a way of show-off and without explaining the service(s) offered to the guests. Moreover Higher ranks, whom are also Agents, sometimes use such commands to offer members of their own services with their own pricing. Such misuse of announcing commands is NOT ALLOWED. Higher ranks members are given this command to inform all guests of advices to make chatters experience(s) better as well as inform all chatters of their service(s) and offer(s) (with HeartChat.com pricing); not to send any private messages to all chatters under the official name of HeartChat.com
/hold : Members tend to play with this command in an attempt to block the guests from entering public rooms of the chat. This command has been created to hold the public room only when the room is flooded with messages from guests whom repeatedly enter the room with different nicks even after kicking/banning their nicks/ip. Moreover, it can be used against guests whom repeatedly enter to say bad and insulting language on main public talk.
/clear : High-rank members have been given this command by which is used to clear the entire main public room(s). High-rank members whom have been given this command are allowed to use it ONLY in the case where there are extreme floods/advertise (often 10 or more posts on main). When using this command, a valid reason should be entered to clear the public room or else, it shall be also considered as playing with /clear command.
No clear is allowed for main rooms :- Arabia – UAE – Oman under any circumstances.
NOTE: Any member/high-rank whom will take action for “playing with HeartChat.com commands” has to specify which of the above commands that has been played with or it will be considered as an unclear reason.
*** If a particular member/high-rank played with any of the above commands for three (3) or more times within a period of 10 days, he/she will be subjected to a Deop action for at least 2 Days
Deop: the disability of controlling commands :
/warn, /filter, /hold, /kick, /ban, /mute, /jail, /suspend
/unban, /unfilter, /restore, /unmute, /release, /resus.
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If any account nick member has expired and the user did NOT renew the account nick membership within the first 2 months after the day of expiration, the nick will be automatically deleted by the server from the database. However, a service has been offered by the Administration to regain the nick which has been deleted from the data-base with an amount of AED 350 and with same rank as it used to be prior to deletion
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Backing up other members or friends members is STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED.
NOTE: Members tend to create friendship(s) with some other members in the Chat environment. Therefore, to show gratitude and/or honesty to each other, some members tend to back-up their friends in an invalid manner and against these set of General Rules. Refer to rule # 8
The main three methods of backing up other members, are as follows:
If the member or normal high-rank, whom is backing up and taking the action, was NOT online in the original proof of the original action
If the member or normal high-rank, whom is backing up, has unbanned a nick and he/she was NOT online in the original proof of the original action
If the member or high-ranks is entering the chat with two member accounts (or more) OR by guest(s) account(s) and a member account; also it has been proven (through a valid real IP address) to be taking actions on his other member or guest(s) accounts
Members and high-ranks tend to back-up themselves by entering with two different membership nick accounts at the same time. When taking an action from one nick, they immediately act upon themselves with the other nick. This type of behaviour is strictly NOT ALLOWED. It can be easily proven from the Staff Areas of high-ranks as well as from the Administration.
Many High-ranks tend to be confused with reasons: “backing-up” and “unban other bans” when referring to this rule. The main difference is whether the member was online in the original action or not.
If the member was online in the proof of the original action and unbanned other ban actions, then it is considered as: “unbanning other ban actions”. On the other hand, if the member has unbanned other bans and he/she was NOT online in the proof of the original action, then it is considered as: “backing-up other members”.
Actions with reasons “backing up other members” are allowed ONLY for High-ranks in rank 19 and above.
If a member or normal high-rank enters the chat and checks bad language on main-public talk, or any of the not allowed points, being said before his/her login; then the member or normal high-rank should NOT take action. It is sufficient to filter the bad language and complain to online high-ranks (or use command /complain against the violating nick) so online high-ranks or Helper high-ranks can check and take action accordingly. If a member or normal high-rank is proven to take action(s) based on language that is being said before his/her login, it will be considered as a backing up issue and will be acted against by a BAN action for a minimum time of 24 hours – One Day.
If any member or normal high-rank is caught backing up other members, by any of the points mentioned above in this rule, they will be acted upon according to the following terms and as per their current records file within a 1-year time:
First Time:
* BAN action for a minimum of 24 hours – One Day.
Second Time:
* BAN action for a minimum of 24 hours – One Day.
* Deop action for a minimum of Seven (7) Days – One week
* Remark on the nick
Third Time:
* JAIL action for a minimum of Seven (7) Days – One week
* Second Remark on the nick
Above Third Time or 2 Remarks
* SUSPENSION action for a minimum of Fourteen (14) Days – Two weeks
* Downgrade by two ranks/levels lower
NOTE: Members and high-ranks taking actions based on the above conditions should mention the word “Backup” in their reason and not “Low kick/ban/action/unban time”.
15 |
All members are allowed to UNBAN UAE and Oman General IP addresses that are listed below, but ONLY after 5 minutes of the ban action + if the original member responsible for the ban action is NOT ONLINE
(1) 213.42.2 |
(2) 213.42.21 |
(3) 195.229.236 |
(4) 195.229.242 |
(5) 194.170.168 |
(6) 194.170.163 |
(7) 194.170.1 |
(8) 194.170.2 |
(9) 194.170.32 |
10) 62.231.211 |
(11) 62.231.218 |
(12) 195.229.208 |
(13) 213.42.1 |
(14) 212.72.8 |
(15) 212.72.19 |
(16) 80.227.40 |
(17) 194.69.1 |
(18) 141.101.99 |
(19) 108.162.225 |
(20) 141.101.70 |
(21) 141.101.96 |
(22) 173.245.50 |
(23) 141.101.97 |
(24) 108.162.219 |
(25) 108.162.208 |
(26) 162.158.99 |
(27) 162.158.176 |
(28) 162.158.31 |
(29) 162.158.91 |
(30) 162.158.161 |
(31) 162.158.11 |
(32) 162.158.201 |
(33) 173.245.49 |
(34) 173.245.53 |
(35) 173.245.62 |
16 |
Asking or advertising for Votes on main talk or in ticker messages or in the public main board or in any other public main features of the chat is NOT ALLOWED.
NOTE: Every month in HeartChat.com, there is a voting contest for all full-time members (not trial member accounts) in Mr. and Mrs.Operator of the month. The two whom get the highest votes, will be selected as Mr. and Mrs.Operator of the past month and a new voting contest will begin in date 5 of the current month. Therefore, it is STRICTLY forbidden for members to ask other members for a vote on main public rooms. However, private messages are allowed.
NOTE: Similarly, a rating feature has been introduced in the chat environment where members can rate each other work and general behaviour in the chat.
For detailed information of the Rating System and its conditions, please Click Here
17 |
Posting fake kicks or bans or hold room or deop or suspend or hold-nick actions; on main public talk or in ticker messages or on the public main board or in any other public main features of the chat is NOT ALLOWED.
NOTE: The word “Fake” means does NOT exist and regardless whether it is a valid or invalid actions. The key point in this rule is the invention of an action that never existed by any member or high rank; in an attempt to cause fighting and imbalanced behaviours in the chat community.
18 |
FORWARD of any Bad or insult or harassment or invalid language in PM: If any member in the chat in any rank received a forward from any guest/member showing there was bad or insulting or harassing language in their PM, then this member should apply the following steps:
- Look for any high-rank online by typing: /high
- Choose any of the online high-ranks listed and forward to him/her by typing:
/forward [highrank_nick]
- After forwarding to the designated high-rank, the member can take a KICK or BAN action against the guest/member whom has said the bad or insult or harassment or invalid language. When taking action, the member has to mention the high-rank nick he/she forwarded the pm to. For example: (bad language in pm, forwarded to Jack)
All high-ranks and helpers can verify the legitimacy and accuracy of the forwards in their respective servers through the member-area Logs section that has been added to all rank 19 and above members.
It would be a good habit for all high-ranks, whom receives a valid forward from any member and that same member takes action based on that same forward, to verify to the rest of the online high-ranks by typing /himsg and copy-paste the server forward message.
For example: /himsg End of forward from Jack
Members whom take these actions on other guests/members with reasons: Bad Lang in PM or insulting in PM or Harassing in PM, HAVE to mention in the reason [forwarded to high-rank NICK]. Guest log-ins can be kicked – A kick will terminate the entry, of the kicked guest, from the Chat for a time of 10 minutes. After those 10 minutes have elapsed, the guest can re-login normally using the same nick.
Refer to rule # 1 NOTES regarding guests continuously abusing rules.
In some rare case(s) where no any high-ranks are available at the time or the high-rank that is available but on the away-mode, the guest/member has to forward to any other two (2) member nicks (regardless of their ranks) and mention whom are those two other member nicks in the action reason.
It is NOT ALLOWED to take action based on a private forward [ /pforward ] or forwarded message of the private forward. Actions can be taken for forwards only against the /forward command as the messages of these forwards can be verified by the higher ranks logs in the Member Area private log-ins.
*** For more information on the usage of such commands: /high and /forward, please type [ /helpop ] if you are a member log-in or [ /help ] if you are a guest log-in.
19 |
Room Names: Creating Private or Special room names similar to the public room names or consisting of bad words or words mentioned in the [Not Allowed Words] list or for insulting purposes of other members/high-ranks or named as an insulting language to other members or consisting of numbers(as mentioned in rule # 2 is NOT ALLOWED.
NOTE: Members and Guests are known to create their own private rooms by typing: /join [room name] . This option is approved so guests and members could have their privacy away from these chat General Rules shown in this page. Therefore, none of these General Rules
is applicable in a Private or Special Room and freedom is handed to guests or members in their own private/special rooms. Consequently, there should be NO ACTION taken on any member or guest based on a private/special room proof page.
20 |
Stolen Nicks: Member accounts which are stolen and did advertisement and/or abuse will be acted upon by a SUSPENSION action for a minimum time of 7 Days – One week.
NOTE: The nick will be considered stolen ONLY if the real member of the nick proves to the Administration of HeartChat.com – Vice Admin (rank 29) and Admin (rank 30) - that his/her nick account has been truly stolen.
21 |
Abuse against SAME Nick: If 3 or more member nicks perform an abuse action with funny reason on a particular guest or member nick account and where all abuses are within the same week (7 Days period), then all the member nicknames that did the abuse action(s) will be acted upon by a JAIL action for a minimum time of 10 days + will be Downgraded by Three (3) ranks/levels lower.
22 |
Reasons: The reasons of all actions kick or ban or hold rooms or deop or suspension should be very clear. Reasons like “kick for fun” or “invalid kick” or “invalid Ban” or “invalid deop” or “invalid suspend” ALONE will not be accepted as reasons. Your reasons should elaborate and state the mistake committed by the guest/member/high-rank in an understandable and clear format to all other chatters.
Timing of punishment periods, based on this rules pages, is NOT ALLOWED to be included in the action reasons of all members and high-ranks regardless of the type of punishment and regardless of the type of action taken.
For members whom kick/ban with fake reasons and deserve to be acted upon with reason: “Kicking/Banning chatters with fake reasons”, it is necessary for the member/high-rank whom takes this action to mention which kick/ban did the member commit with fake reason and/or include the proof-page of the fake reason action.
NOTE: Generally, members and high-ranks do not understand the difference between: invalid actions and fake reason actions. An invalid action is an action committed by a member that is wrong and mistaken. For example: a word was posted on main that the member think is a bad word but in reality, it’s a normal word. He takes action with reason [bad word on main not allowed]. This action is an invalid action.
On the other hand, if a guest was kicked with reason: [bad word on main not allowed] and the guest did NOT say any word or sentence on main. This action is considered as fake reason action. Furthermore, the word “fake” means does not exist and is not real.
*** If any member/high-rank is caught of taking any action-type reason against any other guest/member/high-rank with fake reason actions, they will be acted upon according to the below terms:
- First time: BAN action for a minimum period of 1 Day – 24 hour(s).
- One record: BAN action for a minimum period of 1 Day – 24 hour(s) + Deop action for a period of 3 Days.
- Two records: BAN action for a minimum period of 1 Day – 24 hour(s) + JAIL action for a period of 7 Days (1 week).
- Three or more records: BAN action for a minimum period of 1 Day – 24 hour(s) + JAIL action for a period of Fourteen Days (2 weeks).
*** If any member/high-rank is caught of taking any action-type reasons against Four (4) or more guests/members with fake reasons (within 24 hours) OR has Four (4) records of “kicking chatters with fake reasons” in 10-Days time-frame period; then this member/high-rank is subjected to a Deop action (the disability of controlling commands /kick + /ban + /warn + /filter + /hold) for a period time of Three (3) Days.
The term “not allowed” is obligatory to be added in reason(s) for the following actions ONLY:
- Private Message on main OR PM on main Not allowed
- Number on main OR # on main OR blackberry pin on main Not allowed
- Nick as number OR Nick as # OR Nick as blackberry pin Not allowed
Reasons that are ALLOWED |
Reasons that are NOT ALLOWED |
PM on main not allowed |
PM on Main |
Number (#) on main not allowed |
Number (#) on Main |
Nick as number (#) not allowed |
Nick as number (#) |
Num (#) on main not allowed |
Numb on main not allowed |
Bad/invalid request on main/ticker |
Offer money for girls on main/ticker |
Blackberry pin on main not allowed |
BB or bb pin on main not allowed |
Nick as blackberry pin not allowed |
Nick as BB pin |
Kick for funny reason |
Kick for fun |
Bad lang on main is not allowed |
Sorry, bad lang on main |
ADV in pm (forward high-rank mentioned) |
ADV in pm (no forward mentioned) |
Harassing in pm (forward high-rank mentioned) |
Invalid or bad request in pm |
Trouble Maker nick similar to higher rank nick [ALDHAHERI] |
T.M or TM nickname |
Kick with funny reasons |
Kick with funny reasons. You will stay in the ban for 24 hours (1 Day) |
Bad/invalid request on main/ticker |
Bad offer on main/ticker |
Flood on main |
Flo0od on main |
NOTE: It will be a good habit to add the term “not allowed” in all members actions just to be safe of being acted upon for not complying with this rule.
Reasons that include: any bad language or insulting or disrespecting language or number or blackberry pin-codes or any other not allowed public chat features; will be acted upon by according to the below terms:
- First time: BAN for a minimum period of One (1) Day
- One record: BAN for a minimum period of One (1) Day + Deop action for a minimum time of Seven (7) Days
- Two records: BAN for a minimum period of One (1) Day + JAIL action for a minimum time of Seven (7) Days
- Three or more records : BAN for a minimum period of One (1) Day + JAIL action for a minimum time of Fourteen (14) Days
Adding the total text, in action-type reasons, of any of the rules in this rules page is NOT ALLOWED.
NOTE: All members and high-ranks are requested to state in their action reasons exactly what the member/guest has committed or violated in this rules page that deserved to be acted upon. It is preferable to state the rule number in your reason, but NOT obligatory. There is no need to copy and paste the exact and complete rule from this page into your action reasons. However, you can type for example *r1* in your action reason if you wish to address rule # 1 or *r2* for rule # 2 and *r#* for the rule # violated by the guest/member accordingly.
All members and high-ranks are obliged to add a valid proof of actions in their reasons, if the approved proof-page of the action does not show the abuse committed by the kicked guest/member/high-rank. The member or high-rank taking the action is obliged to mention a valid proof that will legitimize his/her action against the abused nick and would make it easier for Helpers and Staff members to track the mistake committed by the kicked guest/member/high-rank.
NOTE: The Administration has witnessed many unnecessary problems due to members and high-ranks not mentioning where the abused nick committed the mistake.
For example: Guest nick (A) has typed a bad word on main room [UAE]. Member nick (B) has ONLY filtered with NO action is taken against guest nick (A). After some time, member nick (B) or (C) has taken kick action with reason:
[[ bad word on main is not allowed ]].
The approved proof-page of the action would NOT show the bad word on main from guest nick (A) and the reason does not include any proof showing where high-ranks and helpers have to look to check whether the action is valid.
In such similar cases, member nick (B) or (C) was unclear in his reason and a valid action should be taken against him/her by ONLY online high-ranks or Helper high-ranks or Staff members or System rank (not by normal members in rank 18 and below), with reason:
[[ unclear and insufficient evidence for action on guest (A). You have to mention in your reason a valid proof showing guest (A) mistake ]]
Invention of a new rule and/or procedure to take actions against other guests/members/high-ranks is NOT ALLOWED.
- All members and high-ranks are strictly requested to use this page as the ONLY official source of valid and correct rules in the chat community as well as all not allowed procedures; including the [Not Allowed Words] list for invalid words on main/private talk.
- It has been noticed by the Administration that some members and high-ranks invent a new rule or procedure that is NOT mentioned in the rules or NOT mentioned by any of the Administration of HeartChat.com. Therefore, to stop any misuse or misconduct, all of the official rules by the Administration shall be posted in this rules-page and NOT via any Chat-mails or person(s) inside the chat community. Therefore, all previous Chat-mails by the Administration and/or System ranks and/or Staff members is void and considered irrelevant. However, high-ranks whom are given the power to send Chat-mails to members, can send Chat-mails that are similar in context to this general rules with the intention of further explaining to members about rules and regulations for advice purposes ONLY. No member/high-rank can reference any rule or procedure (in their action-types) that is based on a Chat-mail from the Administration or System-ranks or Staff members .
If any member/high-rank is proved of kicking/banning or taking any actions in the chat against any other guest/member/high-rank with a new rule or procedure that are not mentioned or specified in this rules page or in the [Not Allowed Words] list, they will be acted upon by a BAN action for a minimum of 24 hour(s) – One Day.
If a particular member/high-rank has added any six (6) digits or more numbers and/or blackberry pin-codes and/or any direct messaging pin-codes in any action-type reason (kick/ban/deop/hold/suspend); then he/she will be subjected to a Deop action (the disability of controlling commands /kick + /ban + /warn + /filter + /hold) for a period of Three (3) days.
23 |
Selling the Operator Nicks: Members in Rank 17 and below are allowed by Administration to sell their membership accounts. However, it is NOT ALLOWED to do any kind of advertisement of nick accounts being sold on main public talk or in ticker message or on the public main board or in any other public main features in the chat. Members whom wish to offer chatters about their membership being held for sale should only talk in the private message talk (PM). Moreover, all agents in all ranks should NOT use any server commands (/opmsg, /guestmsg, /allmsg) for advertising to sell membership accounts that are done under their administration.
{ Refer to rule # 26 }.
NOTE: HeartChat.com is not responsible of individual(s) whom bought any membership of Rank 19 and above high-ranks as those ranks are NOT for sale. If any high-rank is found (with valid proofs) of even just talking with other chatters about selling their nick account or attempting to sell their nick accounts, then the particular High-Rank member will be suspended for a minimum period of 3 days and downgraded to rank 17, as well as he/she will NOT be nominated for any future upgrades to a high-rank position. Moreover, the Identification (ID) number will be taken by HeartChat.com Administration to the treasury for future use, if it was given by the Administration. If any Rank 18 is found (with valid proofs) of even just talking with other chatters about selling their nick account or attempting to sell their nick accounts, then the particular member will be acted on by JAIL action for a minimum period of 5 days and downgraded to rank 17, as well as he/she will NOT be nominated for any future upgrades to a high-rank position.
24 |
Direct Song Links: Any URL link posted on main or private talks or in any of the other chat features by any member and/or guest, which are opening the song “directly” in the audio player designated by the URL link, is ALLOWED.
In this rule, it is allowed to post other chat or forums “direct” links that would open the song or audio file directly to the audio player. However, links of songs or audio clips that shows the other chat or forums web-site link is NOT ALLOWED although what is intended is the web-site link.
In this rule, if a link posted on main that consists of more than 5 digits or a direct messaging pin-code, it is considered as NOT ALLOWED in any of the public chat features. However, it is ALLOWED to post such links in private chat talk.
The key point to understand in this rule is opening the song or audio clip “directly” to the audio player software and the URL does NOT contain the name of the other chat-site or forum (if posted the whole URL on main or private talks).
25 |
Automatic Post Programs: It is NOT ALLOWED for all members to use any automatic posting programs to increase the online-chat-time. The member should be warned at least three (3) times before being acted upon for using automatic post programs. The time of action should have a minimum of 15 minutes from the first warning. Any action before 15 minutes from the first warning will be considered as an abuse of power by the high-rank. Therefore, actions with reasons “using automatic post programs” is meant ONLY for high-ranks (rank 19 and above) and no any normal member (rank 18 and below) can take actions based on this reason.
If any member or high-rank is caught using these program(s) or using such feature(s) from their web-browsing software to increase their online-chat-time, they will be acted upon by a JAIL action for Fourteen (14) Days + Downgraded by Two ranks/levels lower.
There is/are a few program(s) and/or web-browsing software(s) with features of auto-posting a specific message, for example every 15 or 30 seconds. This feature is strictly NOT ALLOWED in HeartChat.com because whom are using such features are not being fair to themselves and to their fellow members whom have truly stayed online for a long time and worked hard.
HeartChat.com Staff members have the ability to know whether any member is using such program(s) or web-browsing feature(s) through the Staff Area private log-in.
If any member or high-rank receives any warning message in compliance with this rule by any high-rank, then it is that member responsibility to answer and reply to the official warning message sent to him/her. Official warning statements cannot be ignored by the member and it is NOT like a normal chat for the member to decide whether to reply or not.
26 |
Administration of HeartChat.com (ranks 29 & 30) + the HeartChat.com Team of all High ranks in all their ranks and divisions ; are not responsible for any selling of nicks and/or ID numbers that were NOT performed through a valid Agent or Staff member or System rank. { Refer to rule # 23 }.
27 |
Members and High-ranks in rank 27 and below are NOT ALLOWED to take actions against other server members. The different servers of the Chat are:
1) UAE server
2) Oman server.
All servers in the chat have their own: Members, High-ranks, Helpers and Staff members which are responsible of their respective servers ONLY.
Members from different servers can take actions of kick and/or ban against other server members ONLY in specific cases that are explained below:
Abuse of kick or ban with funny reasons
Advertisement of another chat-site or forum
If a UAE-server member/high-rank was in a room of an Oman-server jurisdiction and he/she has committed something invalid on that room name which is against this rules page; then the Oman-server member/high-rank can take action according to this rules page. Similarly is the case with an Oman-server member/high whom is online in a room of UAE-server jurisdiction.
High-ranks can restore members and other high-ranks which have been deopped against by the AUTO-SERVER
Normal high-ranks and Helper high-ranks, from both servers, can NOT take actions against other server members/high-ranks based on proofs that they were NOT online during the time of the mistake, even though the mistake was committed in his/her server room jurisdiction.
If there was a mistake committed by a member and/or high-rank (in another server room jurisdiction) while there was no any High-rank or Helper available of that server, then it is advised to use command: /complain against the mistaken member/high-rank of the different server member in order for the other server Helpers to deal with.Refer to rule # 7
NOTE: Some members/high-ranks of [Arabia] and/or [Oman] servers tend to take actions on each other which cause troubles and misunderstandings between members. Therefore, [UAE Server] members are NOT ALLOWED to take actions against [Oman Server] members and vice-versa is true as well. However, it is ALLOWED to take actions against guests nicks that are considered as bad nicks and are mentioned in [Not Allowed Words] list.
If a member/high-rank of [UAE-server] enters to a room of [Oman-server] and violate any of rules mentioned in this rules page, they can be acted upon by [Oman-server] members/high-ranks.
If a member/high-rank of [Oman-server] enters to a room of [UAE-server] and violate any of rules mentioned in this rules page, they can be acted upon by [UAE-server] members/high-ranks.
28 |
Action reason(s) with comment(s):
Actions with comments of English and/or Arabic languages is NOT ALLOWED.
Comments mean: any comment(s) in the action or warning reason of a personal nature that does not reflect or explain or adds to the chatter (member and/or guest) mistake for him/her to be acted upon with an action
The different types of personal comments are shown below:
- Arabic language in action reason(s) should be acted upon by a BAN action for a minimum time of 24 hours – One Day.
- English language personal comment(s) in action reason(s) should be acted upon by a BAN action for a minimum time of 12 hours.
- Adding MORE than THREE (3) times special characters [like: * OR ! OR ?] in reason should be acted upon by a BAN action for a minimum time of 12 hours.
- Extending a specific letter of words in reasons is also considered a personal comment. For example: floooooooooooooood OR baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad langggggggggggg OR faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake reason action etc. This means extending a specific letter for more than 3 times continuously is considered a type of adding comments. If this is proven to be done by any member/high-rank, they will be acted upon by a BAN action for a minimum time of 12 hours.
- Many members get confused between what is considered as adding comments in reason and what is considered as funny reason.
Please check the below table for examples and a clear understanding of the difference:
Examples of reasons that are considered as FUNNY reasons |
Examples of reasons that are considered as Adding comments |
Flood on main why don’t you stop this non-sense |
kakakakakaka 350 Nick 3la rasek today |
Insulting chatters in main..... you should be ashamed of yourself |
ÊÕÏÞíä ÈÇÌÑ ÚäÏí ÏæÇÇã ÈÓ ÍÈíäÇ äÓæí æíÇÌ ÓæÇáÝ ååå ÇÈÇ íÑÞÚæäí ÈÇä |
nick as # not allowed and this is a very good number |
Keeeefyyyyyyyy Lol |
Kick with funny reason & laughing also |
íÇ Çááå ÈÑÚ |
Bad nick do not use it again |
agooolek – bas chy kaify w bar3 yalla |
ADV in this chat is not nice |
ÓíÑ Ñæã ÇÑíÈíÇ æÇßÊÈ ÇäÌáíÒí áí ãÇíäÞÚ ÇáßíÈæÑÏ |
Bad request on main this is not good |
ÃØáÚí ÈÑÚ æÇÔÑÈí ÌÇí æÏæÎí ÕáÈ æÝßÑí Ý ÇáÞÕíÏå |
Bad nick this is disgusting |
Listen, this chat is the best so SHUT UP |
Bad Lang on main………… |
Ohoooo shu hatha. Nag6eena beskatech e e6la3yy bara3 |
Invalid request on main,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
ÓíÑ ÚáíÜäÜÇ íÜÇ åæì ÓÜíÜÑ ÚáíÜäÜÇ åååååå ÍáæÉ ÇáÅÛäíÜÉ |
PM on main not allowed ÁÁÁÁ |
íæ ÏÇä ÏÇä – íæ ÏÇä ÏÇä – ÏÇä Çáí ÏÇä ÎÎÎÎÎ |
Harassing on main not allowed all the time |
YoDanDaaan YoDanDaana eekekek |
Sorry, kick with funny reason |
Agool, bara3 yallah loll |
Bad lang on main in a smart way |
ÇÚÊÞÏ ßíÝí æåÐÇ Ôí íÎÕäí æÇáÊÚä Úäí áæ ÓãÍÊ |
Badddddddddd langgggggg on main |
La 7oool, íÇ Çááå ÈÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÚ |
Bad lang on main plz high check |
- The main difference between actions kick with funny reason and adding comments is: kick with funny reason are so personal and has no any relation to the mistake occurred by the guest/member. While adding comment is: the addition of a personal comment while stating the mistake which occurred by guest/member OR the addition of more than THREE (3) special characters in the action reason OR the extension of a specific letter of a word within the reason.
Please be informed that the above reasons are ONLY examples and they are not the only reasons that are considered kick with funny reason and adding comments.
29 |
- Disrespecting and/or insulting of official dignitaries and public figures.
It has been noticed, by the Administration of HeartChat.com, that some chatters are disrespecting political and public figures from many International countries, especially in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa). Therefore, it is totally NOT ALLOWED to disrespect or insult any political individual and/or public-figure in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa) in all different ways.
*** If any member/high-rank is caught of talking in a disrespectful or insulting manner against any political or public-figure of any country within the MENA region (Middle-East and North Africa), they shall be acted upon by a BAN action for a minimum time of 24 hours – One Day.
- Insulting and saying bad language to family associates by members and high-ranks, in all their ranks and levels, is NOT accepted and tolerated by the Administration of HeartChat.com
Family associates of all members and high-ranks are highly respected by the Administration and no insults to family associates of the members and high-ranks is accepted. The Administration can check whether a specific member and/or high-rank has entered the chat by using a guest-login and insulted or said bad language to other high-ranks.
*** If it has been proven, by tracing the IP addresses, that any member and/or high-rank is caught of talking in a disrespectful or insulting manner or bad language against any other member/high-rank by using other member or guest nicks logins, they shall be acted upon by a SUSPEND action for a minimum time of Three (3) Days.
30 |
Official Languages
The official and considered languages in the chat community are Arabic and English.
Slang talk is NOT considered as an official language of the chat unless mentioned otherwise in the [Not Allowed Word] list. Therefore, if there is bad language or insulting or harassing or disrespecting in the chat by another language and/or slang talk then it would be considered as normal and irrelevant to the chat community.
Reasons for all types of actions in the chat community are to be in the English language ONLY. Refer to rule # 22
31 |
Kill Command
The Kill Command should be used only for the following reasons :
- Guest who floods the main with Disrespecting and/or insulting of official dignitaries and public figures.
- Guest who flood the main with very Bad Language against the Family Members of other Guests or Operators
- Guest who enters the chat to distrupt the chatters after getting kicked for more than 5 times within 3 minutes for any valid reason (Refer to rule # 22) that is allowed in the chat. In this case, the nick that will be killed should have the same real IP of the trouble maker nicks who got action prior to the kill.
*** If any high-rank is proved to have used the Kill Command for Personal or Invalid Reasons, they shall be acted upon by a BAN action for a minimum time of 24 hours – One Day.
32 |
Maximum Action Period
Across the rules in many places the minimum action period is mentioned. For these actions, the maximum action duration will be 2 times the minimum duration. For example, if the ban is having a minimum duration of 1 Day(24 hours) mentioned in the rule, then the action will have the maximum duration of 2 Days(48 hours).
If the operator nick exceeds the maximum action duration, then the action can be revoked by any helpers above the action operator nick or staff or system ranks. If the action is taken by a staff, then staff above their level or system can revoke the action.