HeartChat Administration would like to inform our guests and members to read the following set of rules before using the chat. Anyone violating the below regulations will be risking him/her self under Federal Investigation by UAE Law! Heart Chat Administration wish you all a great and enjoyable time with us.
1- It is absolutely prohibited and illegal to spread personal phone numbers and/or personal photographs by means of ruining and/or damaging and/or wrecking reputation(s) of other user(s) whom are using this website.
2- It is absolutely prohibited and illegal to spread video clips of pornographic nature on public main and private talks.
3- We strongly advice not to use any irregular, forceful and vigorous speech against any religion.
4- We strongly advice not to speak and chat about subjects of political nature.
5- I certify that I am over the age of 18 and I agree to the above terms.
Please read the Chat Rules carefully before login. By entering the chat you agree to follow the rules stated in the rules page.