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HeartChat Action Commands
This table details the text that will be displayed when a particular action is specified with "/act" command.
Action Commands for Rank 1 and above
grinis grinning mischievouslyis grinning mischievously at you
bowtaking a bowbowing humbly to
droolsdrools with desireis drooling with desire
excitehas opened wide eyes and is screaming excitedlyhas opened wide eyes and is screaming excitedly
flowerpicks a flower and hands it to allpicks a flower and hands it to you
winkis winking winking at you
Action Commands for Rank 2 and above
coughcoughs loudly trying to get some attentionis coughing loudly trying to get some attention
yawnyawns showing deep boredomyawns showing deep boredom
pminvites all to the PMinviting you to the PM
surprisegets surprised each time to see allgets surprised each time saw you
crycrying woefullycrying woefully to
hmmputs nose in the air making a hmmpf sound, ignoring that remarkputs nose in the air making a hmmpf sound, ignoring that remark
wavewaving arms around franticallywaving to
kissblows a kiss to allblows you a kiss
dreamwishes all to have a nice dreamwish you to have a nice dream
screamkicks and screams loudlyis kicking and screaming loudly
Action Commands for Rank 3 and above
happyjumps up and down ecstaticallyis jumping up and down ecstatically
thinkscratches head, deep in thoughtis scratching head, deep in thought
raiseraise an eyebrow and say "Oh, I see"look in disbelief and say Oh, I see
seeis happy to see allis happy to see you
forgivebegs for forgivenessbegs for your forgiveness
amazeopens eyes wide with amazementhas opened eyes wide with amazement
puzzlemoves eyebrows inward in puzzlementhas moved eyebrows inward in puzzlement
Action Commands for Rank 4 and above
excuseasks to be excused and heads for the toilethas asked to be excused and has headed for the toilet
attendgives to all complete attentiongives you complete attention
dancein the mood to dance!grab u and begin dancing crazily around the room
wrongpoints a finger at you, scolding you for your actionsis pointing a finger at you, scolding you for your actions
backwill be right backwill be right back
chatwishes all to have nice chatwish you to have a nice chat
Action Commands for Rank 5 and above
summonwants to summon all to another roomwants to summon you to another room
shakewants to shake hands with allwants to shake hands with you
adviceadvice everyone to think before they actadvice you to think before you act
HeartChat Private Action Commands
This table details the text that will be displayed when a particular action is specified with "/act" command.
Private Action Commands for Rank 4 and above
attendgives you complete attention
crycrying woefully
huggives you a big warm hug
wavewaving arms around frantically to you
lateris looking forward to catch you later
forgivebegs for your forgiveness
Private Action Commands for Rank 5 and above
shakewants to shake hands with you
dancegrab u and begin dancing crazily around the room
surprisegets surprised each time saw you
laughlaughs at you hysterically, pounding fists and feet on the ground
puzzlehas moved eyebrows inward in puzzlement
flowerpicks a flower and hands it to you
Private Action Commands for Rank 6 and above
excusehas asked to be excused and has headed for the toilet
backwill be right back
chatwish you to have a nice chat
kissblows you a kiss
bowbowing humbly to
amazehas opened eyes wide with amazement
Private Action Commands for Rank 7 and above
summonwants to summon you to another room
coughis coughing loudly trying to get some attention
grinis grinning mischievously at you
dreamwish you to have a nice dream
droolsis drooling with desire
excitehas opened wide eyes and is screaming excitedly
Private Action Commands for Rank 8 and above
happyis jumping up and down ecstatically
luckwish you a good luck
raiselook in disbelief and say Oh, I see
hmmputs nose in the air making a hmmpf sound, ignoring that remark
seeis happy to see you
nodnodding in agreement to you
Private Action Commands for Rank 9 and above
thinkis scratching head, deep in thought
wrongis pointing a finger at you, scolding you for your actions
yawnyawns showing deep boredom
screamis kicking and screaming loudly
adviceadvice you to think before you act
winkis winking at you

HeartChat Reply Action Commands
This table details the text that will be displayed when a particular action posted in your name is replied with "/acc" or "/ref" command.
Action Reply Commands for Guests and Operators
dance is enjoying dancing with youis not interested to dance with you
pm accepts your invitation to join your PMhas rejected your invitation to join your PM
hug has thanked you and sent hugs backhas rejected your hug politely
kiss is excited and sends you back a big kisshas rejected your kiss politely
forgive is convinced with youis not yet convinced with you
flower has thanked you and gives a flower backhas rejected your flower politely

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