الدردشة روابط دخول خاصة روابط سريعة معلومات نظام التقييم
HeartChat Commands System
Trial Commands
/helpopDisplays the help page for HeartChat Operator commands.
/summon [nick]This command transports the user with the nickname [nick] to your current location, provided the [nick] is not already there. Summons can be prevented by using the "/null" command. Summons is the only way to get a user into a locked location without unlocking it first. The chatter receives a private message telling them who has summoned them. Summon is delayed until the person being summoned refreshes the screen. The summon may fail for variety of reasons. The user is notified with the reason, if their summon attempt fails.
/video [req/acc] [nick] [message][req] Send a private video chat invitation to that nick and [acc] accepts the videochat request.messagae is optional.
/fblink linkPost a website link in facebook profile
/lockLocks the current private room if that private room is not already locked. If the room is locked already and it has been locked last by an Operator of lower rank than yours, then you can overwrite the lock.
/y [message] Posts [message] in bold yellow.
/g [message] Posts [message] in bold green.
/mix [color value/name]
[bo-it-un-bl] [message]...
(... as many combinations)
Posts the [message] after mixing the [color] and attributes like bold, italic, underline and blink.

The argument of "/mix" command is a combination of text color, text property (bold, italics etc.) and the text on which these will apply (first, second and third part). This total combination can be repeated as many times as required in "/mix" command. Thus you can have different texts (and as many) with different properties in the same line. The second part ("BO-IT-UN-BL" which is case insensitive) of the argument of "/mix" command is further a combination of different properties of the text. \"bo\" stands for bold, "it" for italics, "un" for underline and "bl" for blinking. Any of these can be put together in any way (separated by a hyphen "-") and used as second part of the argument of "/mix" command. Eg: "/mix /ff0000 bo-it-bl Hello /Blue un-bo how are you? /Green bo I am fine". The result of this command will be - "Hello how are you? I am fine". (Blink will not be visible with Internet Explorer)

If you want your text to be in the default color, or you don't want to use any of the property combinations, enter a "-" as the first and second part of the argument. The text thus posted will be a plain text in your default color. Eg: "/mix /- - Hello". If your default text color is this, then the output of the example command will be "Hello". You can also keep either of the two values (color and property) as default. Eg: "/mix /- bo-it hello /red - how do you do /- - fellas". If your default text color is this, then the output of the example command will be "hello how do you do fellas".
/sing message  Display your message between [your message]
/m [message] Posts [message] in bold ff00ff hex color.
/line [# of lines 1-60]Sets the public screen display to show number of posts from 1 up to 60 posts, the default number is 16.
/comment [comment]Adds a comment beside your nick when users check the list of online users using the /list command.
/un [message] Posts [message] in underline.
/bl [message] Posts [message] in blinking. Depends from browser to browser. This will not work with Internet Explorer.
/r [message] Posts [message] in bold red.
/it [message] Posts [message] in italics.
/p [message] Posts [message] in bold purple.
/c [message] Posts [message] in bold 999966 hex color.
/rb [1-3] [message]Displays text in RAINBOW colors, eg, /rb n [message], where n = 1-3. If n=1 the first word of the message will be in Rainbow color, if n=2 then first two words willbe in Rainbow colors n=3, the complete text willbe displayed in Rainbow color.
/trace [text]When used alone it reads the complete login information for past 1000 logins. When used with [text], it searches for the login information containing that [text] and displays those logins only. The search is case insensitive.
/away [reason]This command will shunt you to the "Away" mode. This is a special mode in which you will not be auto-kicked by the server for remaining inactive. Moreover your chat screen and private message buffer will be updated on a regular basis. All your private messages will be preserved.Operators can also mention the reason for the away.
/audio [req/acc] [nick] [message][req] Send a private audio chat invitation to that nick and [acc] accepts the audiochat request.messagae is optional.
/w [message] Posts [message] in bold white.
/unwait [nick]Removes that [nick] from your wait list.
/tweet Post tweet in Twitter timelime if used like "/tweet Hello Twitter!".
Sends Direct message in twitter if used like "/tweet message [Jack/@tweet_name] whats up".
/unlockUnlocks the current private room if that private room is not already unlocked. If the room was locked by an Operator of lower rank than yours, then also you can unlock that room. However vice-versa is not possible.
/do message  Show a description of the person's actions.
/gt [message]Displays your message between (¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)
/bo [message] Posts [message] in bold.
/fbpost [status]Update Status in facebook profile.
/b [message] Posts [message] in bold blue.
/vip message  Show a description of the person's actions.
/d message  Show a description of the person's actions.
[color value/name] [Text-1]
[color value/name] [Text-2]
The arguments of "/blc" command are two adjacent combinations of color and the text. Thus you can have two different texts with different colors in the same line. [Text-1] will be bold and blinking and [Text-2] will be bold, in their specified color value/name. Eg: "/blc /ff0000 Hello /Blue how are you?" will give Hello how are you?.

Note: In all the examples given here, blink will not be visible with Internet Explorer.

If you want your text to be in your default color, enter a "-" instead of a color_value/name. The text thus posted will be a bold text in your default color. If your default text color is this, the example "/blc /- Hello /red how are you?" will give Hello how are you?. The first text "Hello" is in the default color and bold and blinking. Another example command "/blc /- hello /- how do you do fellas?" will give hello how do you do fellas?. Here both the texts are in the default color. First one is bold and blinking and the second one is bold.
/wait [nick]If used alone, it shows your wait list. If used like /wait [nick], then it will add that [nick] to your wait list if that [nick] is not in your wait list already. The server will notify you whenever the nicks in your wait list logs in or logs off.
  حسابات الاعضــاء
  روابـط الدخـول
  كلمـات السـر
  بريـد الدردشـة
  إسائة استخدام العضوية
  الغرف الخاصــة
  أتصــل بنا
  تحديثــات الروابـط
  الاسئلة الشائعة
  تنزيـل الرتبـة
  نظام تجديد العضوية
  كيف تصبح وكيلاً ؟
  كيف تصبح عضواً ؟

دخول الدردشة - انجليزي, دخول الدردشة - عربي, مراقب تجريبي, مراقب جديد

روابط دخول خاصة
مساحة الأعضاء, مساحة الوكلاء, مساحة ممثلي الدول, مساحة المنظم, مساحة التحكم الرئيسيه

روابط سريعة
قوانين الدردشة, معلومات نظام التقييم, الاوامر, اختصارات, الصور, رموز الالوان


أفضل الوكلاء

روابط عالمية
قلب ماليزيا, قلب عُمان

احصائيات الموقع

أفضل مراقب ومراقبـة بالدردشة, أفضل وكيـل, قائمـة الغرف الخاصـة

المحادثه, حسابات الاعضاء, تسجيل الدخول, كلمات السر, بريد الدردشة, إسائة استخدام العضوية, الاوامر, التصويت, غرفـة خاصة, اتصل بنا, تحديثات الروابط

ارقـام عضوية مميزة, الاسماء المستعارة للاعضاء, ارقام مميزة للغرف الخاصة

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نهج الخصوصيه جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمجموعة دردشة القلب 2000-2011