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Members OverAll Rating Point List

Sl No Operator Nick Rating Point
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 16
1 RAK 61816970
2 1 30635022
3 3 346290
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 17
1 H 62014103
2 Al_Ka3bi 18885039
3 Shj 2531550
4 3WasH 2070630
5 6 333560
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 18
1 Justice 556330
2 4 525270
3 Manager 314072
4 AL_AMER 283180
5 rOxa 241260
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 19
1 SHAMMA 14516220
2 parthi 1356900
3 AlAin 11220
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 20
1 راعي_القالوووصه 12441290
2 السنافي 8676280
3 BleU 7478230
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 21
1 MaLsONa 4214480
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 22
1 AbuDhabi 4123787
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 23
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 24
1 ReeM 163099390
2 KING 167570
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 25
1 aGnor 31068180
2 SOLDIER 24209440
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 26
1 COM 50319450
2 Sniper 15248470
3 Hamdan 6764801
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 27
1 KLOOD 188446680
2 Mafia 22887480
3 die4love 16469071
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