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Members Today's Rating Point List

Sl No Operator Nick Rating Point
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 16
1 3 840
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 17
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 18
1 4 140
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 19
1 AlAin 2720
2 SHAMMA 560
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 20
1 راعي_القالوووصه 1150
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 21
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 22
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 23
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 24
1 KING 770
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 25
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 26
1 Hamdan 180
Top 5 Ratings in the Rank 27
1 Mafia 100
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