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Trial Operator

HeartChat gives the chance for the Guest users who want to try the operator commands by allowing them to create trial operator nicks. The trial Operators can use all the commands with respect to their ranks. Trial operators who are good in the chat will get upgrades as normal operators. The time period for the trial operators will be 1 month and after that they have to renew their nicks to get ID and become normal operators.

The trial operator nicks can be renewed by contacting the Agents(Check Agents) or the Staffs of their respective places.

Real Operator

The Real operators in HeartChat will start the Ranks directly from Rank 4. We provide the option of creating the operator nicks for 3 months period to 2 years. Check the table below to see what rank the operators will start with when they create the nicks for different periods.

The operator nicks can be created by contacting the Agents(Check Agents) or the Staffs of their respective places.

PeriodStarting Rank
3 monthsRank 4
6 monthsRank 4
1 YearRank 5
2 YearsRank 6


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